The Georges | Family

I’m so excited to share our friends’ the Georges with you! I’ve had the privilege of photographing Helen Joy’s bridals, her and Noah’s wedding, Helen Joy’s maternity photos and now their whole family featuring their baby, Barclay!

We started off with Helen Joy and Barclay in the rocking chair that Noah’s mother rocked Noah in when he was a child, and Helen Joy wore the gown that her mother rocked in as a baby. There was a pretty field near their house at the bottom of the mountains in Hendersonville, NC. Helen Joy is a photographer herself in the Hendersonville area and beyond.



Barclay sat in the middle of the field with his little doggy. 🙂 The morning light provided awesome back lighting!


I call this “Baby Sneeze.” He he!


I had to get the business-man father and son picture. 🙂 Barclay’s father, Noah is an excellent Real Estate Broker with even a $1M+ house listing! Check out his website if you are looking for a home in the western North Carolina area.


And the whole family shots…



This wooden letter B hangs on Barclay’s bedroom door. We used it in Helen Joy’s maternity photos, and we felt compelled to use it again to make a cute photo. However, I don’t think you can raise the cuteness factor of Barclay any higher than he already is. 🙂


Helen Joy’s mother had a quilt that she was planning on giving to Goodwill, but Helen Joy asked her to keep it for Barclay. It was very cute and colorful for Barclay to play on!


Marissa and I enjoyed making silly noises and faces to make Barclay laugh and smile. Barclay and his parents were fun to very photograph! They are just a great family!

Melissa and Steven | Wedding

Melissa and Steven got married at Holston Creek Baptist Church in Inman, SC.

We went behind the church in a field before the ceremony to get pictures of the groomsmen and bridesmaids. I loved the light background with the tall grass, the guys looked like models, doing poses and enjoying being in front of the camera.


Most of the bridesmaids are somehow involved with theater, like Melissa, so I wanted to incorporate their acting abilities in the pictures by using some of their fun expressions.


The flower girl was very precise to where she placed each flower petal. Everyone stared then started laughing. After she placed a few in the back, she decided she was finished and ran to the front of the Church.



Melissa walked in and Steven teared up and a few drops ran down his face. It was a very special moment. 🙂


Here is why Steven teared up…


After the ceremony Steven and Melissa left in a Red Bugatti! They rode to the reception in Spartanburg, SC at Cleveland Park. It was a gorgeous place! The park was landscaped beautifully with a bridge, gazebo, pond, creeks and even a railroad with a little train for kids to ride on! The building that the reception was held in was very pretty with a very high ceiling and a deck that went all the way around.


Melissa had to bring out some vintage cameras for her and Steven to play with, being a photographer herself.  She is excellent with children! Check out her blog.



Melissa also had to sport her Shoot Sac, something famous in the photography world because it offers a nice camera bag that looks fashionable too! It was created by one of the top 10 wedding photographers in world, Jessica Claire. Melissa loves it and swears by it!


Steven didn’t have a Shoot Sac to sport, so instead he sported his GQ poses 🙂


Steven and Melissa’s cake was really awesome! The topper was really cute and different. The cursive R on the front of the cake and ribbons to match the wedding colors were a nice touch also. It was neat how the cake alternated each layer between a circle and hexagon, a fun and artsy way to bring a bit of extra interest to the cake.


Everyone had a lot of fun dancing! The bridesmaids danced almost non-stop the whole time.


They left for their honeymoon through lots and lots of bubbles, something all the guests enjoyed, especially the kids.


Melissa and Steven’s wedding will be one that always sticks out in my memory. It meant so much that Melissa would choose me to photograph her wedding, being a photographer herself. Photographing another photographer’s wedding can make you a little nervous, but doing it has really improved my skills, and helped me become a better photographer.

Frankie’s First Day in the Park

Frankie is ten weeks old now! We got him when he was five weeks old. We call him Frankie, short for Frank Sinatra, because he actually sings. He goes “Meweeeeewwww Mew, Mew, la la laaaaaaaa.” For real! Sometimes he sounds like he is underwater. I thought he was mewing with his head underwater in his water bowl. Nope. He can just mew like he is underwater! He enjoyed his day in the park. We took him to the Rock Quarry Garden in Greenville, SC. He sniffed everything and wanted to go exploring in the bushes.


Marissa just had to put a little blue bow on him! Poor little guy!


At first he didn’t like his collar and leash. I think he knew that it was a ferret collar. We couldn’t find a kitten collar small enough. He got use to it after a bit.


I figured since he liked to explore we should stick him on the rocks in the middle of the water. He he! He didn’t think it was so fun and searched for a route of escape the very second he felt the water.


He did like the trees. He wanted to climb to the top of them. But then he began crying when he wanted back down!


It is very exciting having a kitten around the house! He does all sorts of goofy and crazy things. It’s funny when he starts attacking his tail! He looks at it like, “Hey! What are you doin’ followin’ me everywhere punk!” He has so much energy! And yet, he always has time for a nap! His solid white coat makes for interesting pictures. Sometimes the camera won’t focus because there is not enough contrast, so it makes fun practice! It can be very time consuming to get a cat to behave the way you want for pictures! Pet photographers have a very special talent!