Monika and Stefan got married at the court house in Anderson, SC and then met me downtown Greenville, SC for a photo session! They called us the day before! I am glad we were available to take pictures!
Monika is an English professor at USC Upstate and Stefan designs windmill blades at GE!
I love their matching outfits and really love Monika’s dress and hair flower! They chose red since it correlates with her home country flag of Albania and his home country flag of Germany and the US flag where they live now!
Monika said it hadn’t sunken in yet that they were married, that they were still in that daze! They had fun taking pictures and she said it made them feel like it was more official 🙂
It started raining, so Monika and Stefan retreated under their matching umbrella!
Monika and Stefan’s wedding bands. Stefan also got Monika a bouquet of flowers and we laid out a few by their hands.
We sat the rings in the flowers too!
Congratulations Monika and Stefan! We hope you two have a wonderful married life together!
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