Wedding | Jessi and Scott

Jessi and Scott were married at the Bowie Chapel on the Erskine College & Seminary campus. This is the beautiful clock tower that is the signature landmark for Erskine.

We put Jessi’s beautiful dress up in a tree for pictures! We love putting dresses out in nature!

Such cute shoes!

Yellow is such a fun and vibrant color!

The ladies in the family!

They couldn’t hold it together! 🙂

Both Jessi and Scott were members of the Euphemian Literary Society at Erskine so it was fitting to take pictures at Euphemian Hall! Jessie was a Euphie Little Sister and Scott was part of the Euphemian Men.

Jessi is so beautiful!

All of the gents!

Scott has a great group of friends and awesome brothers!

Look at these snazzy guys!

So cute!

Rev. Rhett Carson of Pinecrest ARP Church, married Scott and Jessi.

Jessi was so giddy!

The cute flower girl and ring bearer!

Scott’s and Jessi’s families.

The sibling couples!

Silly time!

Silhouettes are fun to take!

Notice the EC (Erskine College) in the bush on the side of the road!

I love large trees in pictures!

The reception was held at the Arts Center at the Federal Building.

Fun and beautiful cake!

The Erskine College crew!

DJ Will Ferguson, had everyone wearing in the dance floor!

Suspenders rock!

Congratulations Jessi and Scott on your marriage! We wish you the best!