God’s Creations: Edisto Beach

We’re starting a series of scenes of nature that we’ve captured, that shows off God’s creations and beauty! The first location is Edisto Beach, SC.

The marshes at Edisto are beautiful! They are full of life! There are thousands of fiddler crabs that scurry when you walk out into the marsh.

The sunsets are breathtaking and so relaxing to watch!

As the sun got lower to the horizon, the sky turned to a vibrant orange and red!

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” – Psalm 19:1 NIV

I took a wider angle and you could see the blue and yellows blending with the rest of the sky! If you look closely, you can see the flocks of birds traveling from the left to the right, starting in the blue and ending in the red above the sun.

You can see a few more of the birds in this photo!

At night, the moon and stars came out and was beautiful too!

Some ‘stars’ seem to be moving. Those are actually satellites! How many can you spot? I count eleven!