Eden Julianna Arnold is about to come into this world! Erin is expecting this month!
The little pink bow was so cute!
Erin’s husband, James works for Synnex a global technology product company. He’s really smart! He’s excited that they will have a new addition to their family!
I love pearls! Erin’s pearl necklace and earrings are so pretty!
These are the other half of the family! Erin and James have two wonderful dogs! Jack is a lab mix.
Storm is a pit bull. Both of their dogs were so excited to be in a park and wanted to run around the whole place!
The whole family!
Jack and Storm are so goofy!
Erin brought the E for Eden! It stood out so well against Erin’s blue top.
Erin is a proud mother-to-be! The sun popped out for a few photos! The big green leaves behind Erin were pretty!
We can’t wait to see little Eden after she’s born!
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