Tag Archives: sky top orchard
Megan Goodwin
Megan Goodwin is one of Marissa’s best friends, so for a change of pace she asked to write Megan’s blog: Megan Goodwin went to mine and Davey’s Alma Mater, Erskine College. Megan was in the same grade as me and lived just a few rooms down in the dorm. We met Freshman year and have …
Michelle and Chris are Married!
Chris and Michelle were married at Bonclarken. It’s a Christian camp located in Flat Rock, NC, near the Flat Rock Playhouse and the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church’s first choice for hosting many of their events and retreats. The Heidelberg Hotel, an iconic image of Bonclarken, seen in the photo below,was built in 1886! It features 19 rooms …