Robert and Becky are Married!

Robert and Becky were married July 31, 2010 at Redeeming Grace Church in Georgia, Vermont! Being around Robert and Becky you can tell that Christ is at the center of their relationship! Their wedding was the first wedding at their church since it was built in March. It still had the fresh paint smell on …

Amy and Craig are Married!

Amy and Craig were married at the Westminister Presbyterian Church in Greenwood, SC. Craig was a basketball player, as were many of his Groomsmen, so they were all very tall 🙂 The flower girl was a cutie! The ring bearer was so cute, halfway through the ceremony he sat down and started pulling up his …

Amy Williams

Amy is an elementary school teacher in Greenwood, SC! From knowing that, you can guess correctly, that she is very sweet! Amy wanted to take her bridals on the Erskine College campus since she graduated from there in 2006. She like so many others, had so many fond memories with their friends on the campus! …