Bickel Family

Here is the Bickel family, Tim, Nathan and Jennifer! We photographed the Bickels last fall also! Tim is an engineer, Jennifer is a painter and Nathan is 7 years old. The Bickels are a colorful family! Mom’s paintings are so colorful and their whole house is painted in vibrant colors! Nathan is full of laughs! He …

Sturkie Family

Meet the Sturkie’s, from left, Jason, Owen, Elizabeth and Sam! Sam loves football! Ducks spotted! Owen and mom splashing in the river above the waterfall! Owen tried to tickle his dad! The proud parents! Lets take a ride on the bear! Sam called it a dog 🙂 The boys loved sliding down the pig statue! …

Latta Family

The Latta family is, from the left, Ashten, Evanne, Jerry, Kelley and Faye! They live here in the upstate. Ashten is in middle school, Kelley is in high school, and Evanne is off in college! Jerry works for State Farm and Faye is a 3rd grade elementary school teacher! My mother was an elementary teacher …