I won the Oh Land #1 Fan Contest through Vevo to go see my favorite musician, Oh Land in concert and meet her after the concert! They gave us an all expenses paid trip to Los Angeles, CA! It was so nice of them!
We stayed at the Andaz West Hollywood hotel in Hollywood, CA! It’s a very high class hotel and the staff are so nice and hospitable! I would highly recommend it! This is the view we woke up to in the morning with LA in the distant haze!
Marissa’s father, Doug, lives in California so we decided to visit him in our free time! We drove out to Santa Clarita, CA. On the way we saw some beautiful countryside! Since it’s still spring, everything hasn’t turned into a desert yet. He, he!
Marissa’s father is an expert remote control helicopter pilot! We went to a park where he has tests runs when he gets new helicopters and gear.
His remote control has more buttons than my camera! Craziness!
Lift off!
This helicopter can fly 80MPH+
Doug was doing all sorts of aerobatic tricks!
This was one of the coolest tricks! He was hovering upside-down right over the grass!
After the helicopter tricks, we went downtown Hollywood, CA and saw the Chinese Theatre!
There was a giant mario, one of my favorite video game heroes. Sonic the Hedgehog is my all-time favorite though!
One of my favorite actors foot and hand prints, Johnny Depp.
Catwoman and Batman made an appearance downtown 😉 Their costumes were really amazing and acted just like the real ones!
Catwoman and Batman are our favorite comic book heroes!
We went to the top of a building to get a good shot of the Hollywood sign!
We drove around and explored for a bit looking at the celebrity houses and found an overlook. I zoomed in and found the WB water tower and studios!
We went back to the hotel to get ready for the Oh Land concert and went up to the roof of the hotel that has a pool on top! You could see Los Angeles in the distance!
Los Angeles, CA has a neat skyline!
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